What Our Clients Say

"When I first heard the InVisible Light theory that the audience matters more than the speaker, I thought, 'Okay, lady. That's BS.' But [Jane was] so dedicated to that perspective and convinced me to embrace it just for a month. Well, that was 10 years ago. Every speech I give and every speech I watch, I experience through the lens of, "Does this make the audience better somehow? Is this a good investment of their time and attention?' It's fundamental to every communication, spoken, written and tweeted, that goes out of here. Hire [them]."

Chief Communications Officer, Financial Services Consulting Firm

"Working with Jeff Davis was a major personal growth experience that has substantially enhanced my leadership effectiveness. Jeff taught me to really connect with audiences, enhanced my personal presence on stage, and gave me a new way of thinking about having impact with large audiences. His coaching was a big part of my personal transition to being considered a dynamic and inspirational speaker with large audiences"

Division President, Top 10 Bank

"Jeff and Jane have helped our leadership team, including me personally, tap into the single most important source for audience engagement and effective public speaking--namely, an authentic voice. They've helped us get out of our own way and zero-in on the true difference we're trying to make with our audiences. Thank you Jeff and Jane!"

VP, Corporate Marketing & Communications, Leading Healthcare Company

"Invisible light brought a new perspective to our organization and how we(executives) communicate with each other and our employees. You taught us how to connect to the audience, and to stay true to the message we were trying to communicate. Thanks to all of you and look forward to our next project"

VP, Commercial Operations, Bio-Tech Company

"People always told me I did a good job of presenting, and I tried to have faith in that maybe they couldn't see how nervous it made me. But in three sessions with you, I've become a dynamo - that's a quote from my CEO. I'm no longer afraid. In fact I look forward to speaking up for my business unit and team?I feel like a switch has flipped and I'm never going back"

Senior Marketing Director, Hospitality Industry

"I didn’t believe you when you said you could help… I thought I would be like that forever. I’m a different person now. I can remember all the ways I used to deflect opportunities to present, but it never crosses my mind to do it anymore. It’s like that happened to someone else… You aren’t an, ‘I told you so’ kind of person but you deserve to be"

Principal, International Consulting Firm

"Thank you so much for your encouragement, support, care, guidance, and insight. I am in a much better place thanks to your help."

Finalist, 'The Voice'

"The energy I’ve wasted in the past just trying to ‘power through’ presenting makes me want to cry, now that I see how simple and painless this can be. I always thought there was something wrong with me that I just couldn’t get past it. You turned the situation on its head, and gave me true power! I intend to use it for good."

Chief Diversity Officer , Global Health Care Company

"Men aren’t supposed to be nervous about public speaking. It’s not supposed to be in our DNA. But it was all over mine. [W]orking with you did more than make me unafraid to stand in front of a judge and make my case. I’m not ashamed of myself anymore. I can’t thank you enough!"

Senior Partner, Law Firm